
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sports - 2013 NFL Year in Review

Here is my 2013 NFL Year in Review
(169-86-1 for the season, 9-1 for the playoffs)
It's been a great season, especially for Broncos and Seahawks fans, and I've enjoyed trying to pick each game each week, including the playoffs.  I didn't do too bad, guessing right about 66% of the time, and going almost perfect through the playoffs.  Here's a look back on where I thought each team would end up and what actually happened by the end of the year (2013 record in parentheses).
 AFC East 
  1. Patriots - "Tom Brady's weapons might be changing, but he's still Tom Brady." (1st, 12-4) Pretty accurate, the Pats were still a great team, but in the end Brady's lack of weapons did them in and stopped them one game short of the Super Bowl.
  2. Dolphins - "Their first year as a unit went OK, their second year might be pretty much the same." (3rd, 8-8) I'd say going .500 is the definition of "OK".  They almost made the playoffs, falling just short.
  3. Jets - "I don't think these guys know what they're doing, not at all." (2nd, 8-8) It was an up & down year for Rex Ryan & Geno Smith, and often they really did seem to have no idea what was going on.
  4. Bills - "New everything, and it'll probably take a little time." (4th, 6-10) The Bills showed a little promise and things might have gone better had E.J. Manuel stayed healthy, but they've got some reason to be hopeful for next year.
AFC North
  1. Bengals - "The door is open for Cinci, and Dalton could make strides this year." (1st, 11-5) The division was the Bengals' to lose all year and they held on to take it.  Unfortunately Dalton can't seem to win when the game really matters.
  2. Ravens - "Their old defense is gone, but some say their new one is better.  We'll see." (3rd, 8-8) Their D was not better and their offense sputtered more often than not.  A mediocre and relatively boring team.
  3. Steelers - "Feels like they're stuck in a funk.  A good team, but not scary." (2nd, 8-8) Exactly right, a fine team that isn't really a contender any more.  Not sure what they answer is but they had better change something.
  4. Browns - "Oh Brownies, how pathetic you are.  It's almost sad.  Almost." (4th, 4-12) Predicting that the Browns would be sad is no huge stretch.  They're just an awful franchise that has literally no hope whatsoever.
AFC South
  1. Texans - "A tough team already, and then you add in Ed Reed." (4th, 2-14) Wow, talk about wrong.  My only consolation is that everyone thought just I like did and no one saw them as having the first pick in next years' Draft.
  2. Colts - "Luck could face a sophomore slump, especially with a new OC." (1st, 11-5) I was pretty off the mark with Luck, but he played in a very weak division and never blew my mind.
  3. Titans - "Jake Locker better show what he can do soon before his time runs out." (2nd, 7-9) Well the HC's time ran out and I don't see Locker lasting long under a new regime.
  4. Jaguars - "An entirely new staff and bad QBs.  Not a good combination." (3rd, 4-12) The Jags were as bad as expected.  If they could just find a QB they'd have a glimmer of hope for 2014.  Tebow anyone?
AFC West
  1. Broncos - "Denver will ride Peyton Manning all the way to the Super Bowl." (1st, 13-3) Boom.  Peyton set QB records, the Broncos were the best offense in history, and they're in the Super Bowl.  Great season.
  2. Chiefs - "A new regime has taken over and I see them improving quickly." (2nd, 11-5) They did indeed improve.  Andy Reid, Alex Smith, and a solid D made them a tough team to beat.
  3. Chargers - "I'm so tired of Phillip Rivers.  He's not a winner, and so SD won't be either." (3rd, 9-7) Rivers actually had a good year, snuck into the playoffs, and beat the Bengals.  Not bad.
  4. Raiders - "A complete roster overhaul won't make them contenders." (4th, 4-12) The Raiders were a throw-away team and didn't scare anyone.  They have a bad coach & a bad QB; a killer combination.
NFC East
  1. Cowboys - "The pressure is on and I think Romo and the 'Boys respond." (2nd, 8-8) Romo did just fine, it was the defense that was the problem.  They allowed so many points that the offense couldn't keep up and in the end they were a mediocre team.
  2. Giants - "The G-men are always contenders, and this division is always tight." (3rd, 7-9) Yes they did end up in a tight division, but no they weren't truly contenders.  They lost too many games early and could never rebound.
  3. Redskins - "I doubted RG3 last year and was mostly wrong, but I'm not sure he makes it through the season healthy." (4th, 3-13) RG3 didn't even make it through the season as the starter.  What a horrible year for the 'Skins.  Goodbye Shannahan.
  4. Eagles - "An all new staff must fix all the problems.  Should take more than one offseason." (1st, 10-6) They won the division and their offense was scary at times, but the Eagles were never a great team and got booted right away in the playoffs.
NFC North
  1. Packers - "As long as Rodgers is the QB, the Pack will be a Super Bowl contender." (1st, 8-7-1) Rodgers' injury almost derailed the Pack, but luckily the rest of the division decided they would all play bad football too.
  2. Bears - "Brand new staff should give Cutler a chance to be a true gunslinger." (2nd, 8-8) Cutler stepped up his game this year, when he wasn't hurt.  The Bears had their chances, but their defense was just dreadful.
  3. Lions - "Detroit can't be as bad as they were last year again, can they?" (3rd, 7-9) Well no they weren't, but they also weren't great.  Their HC got fired because of their lack of focus and discipline.  Good move, if you ask me.
  4. Vikings - "AP is a beast, but I have exactly zero faith in Christian Ponder." (4th, 5-10-1) Absolutely no one had faith in Ponder this year, least of all the Vikings.  A QB carousal and and overall bad team eventually led to a new HC.
NFC South
  1. Saints - "Coach Payton is back from his suspension and NO is back as the frontrunner." (2nd, 11-5) The Saints were scary good, especially at home.  But the division went to a team I didn't see coming and NO fizzled in the playoffs.
  2. Falcons - "Hotlanta should be just as fiery on offense and make the playoffs." (3rd, 4-12) I don't feel bad for getting this one wrong, the Falcons were just devastated by injuries and lost all chance very early on.
  3. Buccaneers - "I like their chances this year, but it's a tough division if NO is back to form." (4th, 4-12) The Bucs weren't as awful as their record shows, but they still got a new HC and will have to start from scratch.
  4. Panthers - "I'm just not a big Cam fan.  He's got a new OC, could take a step back." (1st, 12-4) This was my biggest misread.  Cam was great, the Carolina D was fantastic, they were hard to beat at home, and had a great year.
NFC West
  1. Seahawks - "I don't see Russell Wilson taking a big step back, so watch out." (1st, 13-3) Watch out indeed.  Best team in the NFC, best D in the league, and now they're in the Super Bowl.
  2. 49ers - "I think Kaepernick does regress and the Niners suffer from the hangover." (2nd, 12-4) Kaep did have a rough time at the beginning, but his running game and SF's defense came through in a big way, taking them to the NFC title game.
  3. Cardinals - "They made a ton of moves, brand new team really." (3rd, 10-6) Tough division, but actually a really good year for Carson Palmer and the Cards.
  4. Rams - "I've lost faith in Sam Bradford, and you've got to imagine STL will too." (4th, 7-9) They've got to be reconsidering Bradford in St. Louis, he's just not the guy.
Most improved teams: Chiefs, Saints, Cowboys. (Chiefs, Saints, Panthers)
Least successful teams: Browns, Jaguars, Panthers. (Browns, Jaguars, Texans)

Wild Cards: Ravens, Colts, Bears, Falcons. (Chiefs, Chargers, Saints, 49ers)
Super Bowl: Broncos vs Seahawks. (Broncos vs. Seahawks)

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