
Friday, April 19, 2013

Movie Trailer - Man of Steel

Director: Zack Snyder
Starring: Henry Cavill, Russell Crowe, Amy Adams
Release: June 14th, 2013

Finally, a comic book movie that actually looks watchable.  I don't know exactly how they did it, but perhaps they'll start a trend.  I mean, everyone loves Superman but you can't just give it a half-assed effort and expect us all to line up, you gotta give it some punch and originality.  And I heart Amy Adams for some reason, which doesn't hurt.  Maybe it's because she's the best actress to emerge in the last twenty years.  As long as Russell Crowe, Kevin Cosner, and Diane Lane are kept to a minimum I think I'm sold.


  1. Yes, if only we could get a great director like Christopher Nolan to direct a comic-book movie. Then we would have some quality movies to watch.

    1. Point taken. But hey, the first one was good, the second was barely palatable, and the third didn't even make me curious.

  2. The third one was the worst. Didn't make any sense. I still think the second one was, by far, the best of the three. The whole Joker/Batman, chaos/order,(sickly) symbiotic relationship was done quite well, and Heath Ledger was amazing.

    1. One great actor doesn't necessarily make a great movie. Take out Heath Ledger and what you're left with is a growly masked weirdo, Eckhart's bad acting, and an unoriginal action movie. Even with the Joker it was only mediocre.
